Podium Sleutelwoord
2024, Index Books, Leiden, NL

2023 Reading + Book Launch at Wendy's Subway, New York City, USA

Dark to Lick
2020 Reading performance event co-curated with theater Perdu, at Perdu, Amsterdam, NL

Evening Readings
2020 Reading performance event at art studio Goleb, Amsterdam, NL

Messy Entanglements: How to Re-make the World from Difference
2017 Film program for Cure Park Festival, TAAK, Amsterdam, NL

Spaceship Earth
2016 Film program for the Bookstore Space, The Bookstore Foundation, Amsterdam, NL

Love Me Truly
2015-16 Art exhibition and conference, Matadero, Madrid, ES

Sexualidades en tiempos revueltos. Género, sexo y otra ficciones
2015 Film program curated together with José Ganga, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid, ES

Geografias Humanas. Cine Ensayo
2011-2015 Yearly Film Program part of the cultural activities of the Fine Art School, Complutense University of Madrid, ES